Real-Time Asset Tracking

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Where Technology Meets Bratwurst

September 20, 2018
6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Etherdyne Technologies, 5353 Betsy Ross Dr, Santa Clara

The Wireless Communications Alliance invites you to our “Real-time Asset Tracking” event to meet and hear leaders in this exploding space and learn how you can take advantage of Real-time Asset Management.

Mobile sensors embedded on vehicles, assets, and employees are displacing legacy asset tracking technologies. This new digital capability remotely tracks and monitors assets and people and improves a company’s ability to capture asset utilization. Managers and employees can improve operations and profitability with real-time operational data. 

Come join us for some traditional Octoberfest fun as you hear from asset tracking experts.  We’ll be serving Bratwurst and Pretzels along with traditional Octoberfest beer before the meeting, so be sure to arrive on time! Non alcoholic drinks will be provided as well.


Dr. Richard Fuller, Founder – Geolocon

Invited panelists:

Syed Zaeem Hosain, CTO – Aeris Communications
Zeki Gunay, CEO – CRATUS Technologies
Neeraj Sahejpal – SVP of Product Marketing – Energous Corporation
Ray Sikka, Founder – SensiTel
Nick Garner, Chief Engineer – Telesense
Phani Pandrangi, SVP & Chief Product Office – Kii

Reserve your seat now


RAFFLE!  $50 Gift Certificate to a bay area German restaurant.

Early Bird Price: $20 till 9/13
Regular Price: $30 from 9/14

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